HiPo - Hidden Polarization Detector

Date: November 2024

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HiPo is a Chrome extension designed to help users identify hidden biases and polarized viewpoints in online content. By offering quick, actionable insights, it empowers users to navigate the overwhelming sea of information with clarity and fairness.

HiPo Logo
HiPo Design System

Key Design Principles

  • Lightweight, Everyday Accessibility: Choosing a Chrome extension allows HiPo to seamlessly integrate into users' daily browsing. Its lightweight design ensures it works silently and effectively to help users discern polarization in their daily digests without any additional friction.
  • Promoting Civil Conversations: Beyond highlighting biases in user readings, HiPo fosters civil conversations by offering a section of opposing viewpoints and related articles. With easy one-click links, users can discover alternative perspectives and fill in the "gaps in understanding," reducing the barriers to meaningful dialogue.
  • Minimizing Built-In Model Bias: The slider feature enables users to provide their own perception of polarization levels. This feedback helps reduce reliance on the prebuilt model's biases. Over time, with sufficient data collection, HiPo can fine-tune its algorithms to better capture the nuances of user perspectives.